Wednesday, May 09, 2007


This is a strange and even difficult time for our family. We are moving home – but where is that?

It has been said that, “home is where you hang your hat”. That must be true only in Texas!

Some say that home is where your family is. Which family? We have family everywhere!

The Son of Man said, “I have no home”, obviously referring to an earthly dwelling in which to lay his head. At times, we can certainly understand what He meant.

For roughly nine years we have called Africa home. For about eight years prior to that, we referred to Lubbock, TX as home. When we are in Africa, we speak of home as the USA. When we are there, we speak of Africa as home. So oddly enough, we’re never “home”!

Our girls don’t seem so confused. They know where home is. But too, their parents are concerned about them all the same. They are more African than American, more so than we probably realize now. What problems will they experience that children their age don’t usually struggle with? What will other kids say and think about them? Will they be unique because they grew up in Africa or weird and treated as outcasts?

Although those thoughts do cross our minds from time to time, we aren’t so concerned. To be outcasts in the view of the world isn’t such a bad thing as long as they have a firm grasp of who they are.

"But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness." – 2 peter 3:13

As a family, we’re excited about the future and that excitement transcends the fear of the unknown. Children generally take their cue from their parents. So as long as we present a strong, united (and even excited) front, they will follow suit. We’re not overly concerned about their adjustment to life in the USA, or ours for that matter. It is sad to be saying goodbye, but exciting to think about what God has in store for us next.

We would appreciate your continued prayers. This is an emotional roller coaster for us, excitement and joy mixed with much apprehension. But God is faithful and will carry us through.