Dear friends and family,
It has been a while! We sure hope this note finds you all doing well. What an exciting time this is. We are overjoyed by the amazing things that the Lord continues to do in Africa. We ask that you would continue to pray for us and especially for the young men and women who are serving in Kenya.
Below is an update from one of the young men in Kenya who you should know by name. Duncan Ziro writes about a recent youth seminar held in a remote bush area known as Sosoni. The first sentence of his report tells all – his passion is for the young people in Kenya.
Did you know that 71% of Africa’s population is below the age of 25? Targeting the youth is the future of Africa’s church!
Read below for more from Duncan…
Youth ministry is where my heart is. I enjoy working with the youth. The last youth seminar I taught was at Sosoni Church of Christ. I was together with Rodgers Gona and Benjamin Loda.
Below is an update from one of the young men in Kenya who you should know by name. Duncan Ziro writes about a recent youth seminar held in a remote bush area known as Sosoni. The first sentence of his report tells all – his passion is for the young people in Kenya.
Did you know that 71% of Africa’s population is below the age of 25? Targeting the youth is the future of Africa’s church!
Read below for more from Duncan…
Youth ministry is where my heart is. I enjoy working with the youth. The last youth seminar I taught was at Sosoni Church of Christ. I was together with Rodgers Gona and Benjamin Loda.
Rodgers Gona acting out a point as he teaches on Spiritual growth.
A youth burst in laughter during the Bible drill competition.
Drama time.
Benjamin Loda teaches on HIV/AIDS
One of the groups meets for an after lesson prayer.
God is good. With the little resources we managed to pull together, we feed all the youth and teachers for two days. There were a few complexities here and there but at the end all of us were happy and nourished. I taught on the topic ‘Changing from within’. Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support. We really appreciate you. Thank you Intercede. May Glory go back to God!
Duncan Wanje Ziro
Duncan Wanje Ziro