Dear brothers and sisters,
I pray and hope that all your season has been a very prosperous one, and that all of you are enjoying yourselves in the company of your loved ones and families. We are all enjoying God's Blessings!
There has been so much territory covered and so many Brethren have been seen since last time I wrote! I don't know where to begin! The first of December, I finished up teaching at the Preacher’s school with the brothers in Rio Bravo. They had a delicious cake awaiting us in spite of the cold weather. Our classes were fine. We started with about 24 and ended with about 12 Brethren. We were able to cover the Subjects: The Life of Christ and History and Geography of the Old Testament. I hope the class learned as much as I did.
On the 11th of December I was able to be with the Brethren from Monterrey. The 12th of December is a religious holiday. The birthday of The Virgin of Guadalupe, Patron Saint of Mexico falls on the 12th, but everything shuts down on the 11th of December and doesn't open up till the 13th. You should have seen the pilgrims completely filling the roads and highways going to Mexico City! It took me 2 ½ hours to get my travel visa! I wanted to go to Uahutla, Hidalgo, but was told by many people I would be better to travel after the 14th of December. So I decided to spend time with the Eguren brothers of Monterrey and Arturo Parra of Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas. I also visited the homes of many Rio Bravo Bretheren, teaching them and spending rich time with them. I spent a great time with Arturo's new congregation too. I preached for them on Sunday morning, causing me to get home late.
My Health has been good and I have received some good reports from my Doctors. God is Great.
I spent the holidays here with loved ones. On the 27th of December I was visited by Ernest, one of the Eguren brothers from Monterrey. We spent that Sunday afternoon dreaming and making plans for 2010. There are plans for a Christian email ministry for Monterrey and the surrounding area. God has given us a brain that when we use it for His cause it works great!
Please continue praying for us that God may bless us more and more. I want to thank the friends of INTERCEDE and the good they are doing to help me to carry the Good News throughout the Spanish speaking world. Thank you so much for your support each and every month! May God Continue to bless you!
Prayerfully yours,
Max R. Zamorano