Below is a note from our friend and brother Duncan Ziro in Kenya. It is a brief report of what went on during the month of August. Many thanks to all of you who continue to support the ministry in Africa through Duncan, Fredrick and others. You’ll notice as you read below that there is a need for more monthly assistance to continue the seminars and meetings. Would you consider making a one-time or monthly donation to the ongoing work in Africa? Please visit our website at for more info and always keep our African brothers and sisters in your prayers!
From Duncan:
Praise God!
The month of August is over. It is a vacation month here in Kenya so the youth and some of their parents who are teachers are at home for a one month holiday. This is a great time to hold youth and leaders seminars.
On 7th of August to 10th of August, we had a youth seminar in Kaloleni. 43 youth attended. 38 youth paid the 50 shillings [about 75 cents] registration fee, so we collected a total of 1900 shillings. The total cost of the seminar was 10,900 shillings [roughly $170].
We had a leaders meeting for all leaders in Kilifi district on 25th August 2007 at Kilifi Primary School. 21 church leaders turned up for the meeting. The cost of the meeting was 1,537 shillings [about $25]. This is food and rental fee for a room at Kilifi Primary School.
We have done a lot of internal borrowing to make these meetings happen. I communicated this to the MCRC board and together we decided to skip a month (there will be no board meeting in the month of September) so that we don't run short of money before the yearend.
Brother, I pray for you as you work hard to make sure that we get funds for the ministry. Thank you very much for your prayers and support. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to serve in his ministry. I am learning a lot of things. Continue praying for me and Fredrick.
Pass our greetings to all brethren over there.
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